A circle is randomly generated by sampling two points uniformly and independently from the interior of a square and using these points to determine its diameter. What is the probability that the circle has a part of it that is off the square? Give your answer in exact terms.
Let be the picked points and be the midpoint of . Our random circle intersects the square iff the distance of from the boundary of the square is less than the length of or . Thus, assuming that the square is given by and , , we want the probability of the event
with being independent and uniformly distributed random variables over the interval .
Computational Method
We use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the probability. Using the Python code below, we see that the required probability is .
from random import uniform
from math import sqrt
runs = 10000000
cnt = 0
for _ in range(runs):
x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2 = uniform(-1,1), uniform(-1,1), uniform(-1,1), uniform(-1,1)
if min(2-abs(x_1+x_2), 2-abs(y_1+y_2))<= sqrt((x_1-x_2)**2+(y_1-y_2)**2):
cnt += 1